Obama asked GM`s CEO to step down

President adn CEo of General Motors Corp. (GM), Rick Wagoner will resign after receiving direct order from white house. US president, Barrack Obama will come out with further explaination and clarification on the Rick`s resignation.

A Group of new Directors will take into set on the largest US automobile driver soon as one of the objective for its major re-construction as to manage the issued bail-out from US government.

The sit will be taken over by Fritz Henderson

Anwar-Pak Lah at Hulu Langat : First step or just to speculate Najib

Around 3 hours before TPM, Najib came out with his mini budget, something was happen unexpectedly. Pak Lah and Anwar sit down together and celebrate Maulidur Rasul S.A.W and having lunch with Syeikh Mahmud Al-Majzub, founder of Madrasah Nurul Iman, Hulu Langat.

Anwar was expected to come for the session but Pak Lah suddenly appeared from no where and joint the celebration, happily together. They have quite mutual discussing among six eyes for around 60 minutes on the undisclosed issues. While as per requested by Syeikh Mahmud both of them agreed to have short closed discussion on the also undisclosed issue.

They prayed together for Zohr, as Led by Syeikh Mahmud, Pak Lah at the right side and Anwar at the left side. Pak Lah gave a short talk afterwards and mentioning " ALLAH will listen to our doa" and nothing form Anwar. They shaked hand with peace smile before leave to go to Parlimen to listen to celoteh conducted by DS Najib.

Noted: This is the history. The moment when two opposite leader sit together at an isolated places from political heat. Sit together, think about how small they are , compare with the great power of ALLAH, though they have political power in this world. They listen to ulama, they talk peacefully without any sentiment.

Ibn Faldan

PPSMI : never ending story

I found an article which is very interesting to share....

" tujuan kerajaan memperkenalkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains dan matematik dalam bahasa inggeris (PPSMI) adalah untuk rakyat malaysia khususnya melayu supaya dapat menguasai bahasa inggeris dengan begitu baik..

namun begitu, pada saya sebagai seorang anak melayu bekas pelajar aliran bahasa melayu tidaklah bersetuju..

biar saya kemukakan hujah2 saya..

1) istilah matematik - istilah matematik dalam bahasa inggeris memang terlalu banyak dan sebenarnya tidak membantu pun dalam meningkatkan bahasa inggeris pelajar kita..

mengapa saya berkata demikian?? contohnya istilah seperti 'SQUARE ROOT' , 'TO THE TEN POWER OF' tidaklah membawa apa2 maksud dan makna dalam bahasa inggeris itu sendiri..ia cumalah istilah matematik yang mana di dalam bahasa melayu kita pun sudah ada iaitu 'PUNCA KUASA DUA' , 'SEPULUH KUASA '

adakah dalam percakapan seharian pelajar2 ini perlu menggunakan istilah2 'alien' ini dalam kehidupan mereka?sudah tentu tidak! JADI DI MANA PERLUNYA SEMUA INI?

2 ) MENYUKARKAN - ini masalah paling utama dan lebih merbahaya.. cuba anda bayangkan, bagaimana pelajar itu hendak menguasai matematik yang asas sedangkan bahasa yang digunakan tidak difahami? kita bukan menyelesaikan masalah malah kita menambah masalah yang sedia ada menjadi semakin rumit iaitu pelajar2 tadi tidak faham bahasa inggeris dan juga tidak faham matematik seterusnya menyumbang pula kepada gejala lebih teruk iaitu kepada ponteng sekolah kerana merasa bosan kerana apa yang diajar di sekolah tidak difahami dan sering mendapat keputusan yang teruk..

ibubapa di rumah pula tidak dapat membantu..kalau ibu bapa yang berada dan tinggal di bndar bndar besar mungkin boleh membantu dengan menghantar anak2 ke pusat tuisyen yang bagus dan bermutu atau mengajar sendiri anak2 mereka tapi bagaiman pula dengan ibu bapa yang di kampung??

kalau bahasa melayu sekurang2nya dapat lagi ibubapa tersebut tolong sikit2, namun kalau bahasa inggeris alamatnya terus tercicir la pelajar tersebut..

3 ) BEBAN PADA GURU - guru sepatutnya berusaha mengajar matematik atau sains namun kini mendapat lagi beban apabila terpaksa mengajar dalam bahasa inggeris di mana guru2 tersebut mengalami kesukaran untuk menerangkan istilah dan konsep matematik dan sains ditambah pula denagn istilah bahasa inggeris yang pelik2 .. maka guru pub terbeban, pelajar pula lagi la teruk..

4) TIDAK PERLU - perlukah kita malaysia hendak semua pelajar kita bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris?? perlukah kita malaysia even tukang sapu sampah pun nak pandai bertutur dalam bahsa inggeris? mmg betul bagus jikalau dapat bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris namun iu cumalah sebagai bonus.. tidak lah perlu beriya - iya sampai kan kita anak melayu hendak disuruh bercakap bahasa inggeris sampai bunyinya mengalahkan mat saleh siap dengan slang2 UK pula..

dan umum mengetahui jikalau anak malaysia tanpa mengira melayu, cina atau india, jika dia tahu berbahasa ingggeris, maka bahasa inggeris lah yang akan digunakannya dan tidak akan lagi kedengaran beliau berbahasa melayu sebgai bahasa kebangsaan, umum mengetahui yang malaysian memang ada ego dan perasan bangga bila boleh bercakap bahasa inggeris macam dia sorang je yang pandai!!!

pada pendapat saya cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini cukup mudah, kerajaan kembali kepada asal..

macam kami bekas pelajar aliran sains tulen menggunakan bahasa pengantar bahasa melayu , yang mana mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam SPM akan ditaja oleh MARA atau JPA dan dari situ kami telah dihntar belajar dalam program A LEVEL atau IB yang mana subjek2 seperti fizik, kimia, biologi, matematik , semuanya diajar dalam bahasa inggeris..

mula2 pada masa 6 bulan pertama memanglah tunggang langgang dan teruk sangat kerana apa yang diajar daahulu semasa di sekolah semuanya bahasa melayu dan bila datang ke situ dalam bahasa inggeris..

namun alhamdulillah, semua nya leh cope up dengan situasi di mana kami pelajar ini telah mempunyai asas matematik, fizik, kimia, biologi, yang kukuh dan kuat cuma perlu belajar bahasa inggeris untuk terjemahkan istilah2 dari bahsa melayu ke dalam bahasa inggeris dan akhirnya kami berjaya melanjutkan pelaajran di luar negara..

ini lebih baik daripada kita biarkan pelajar2 yang baru darjah 1 belajar dalam bahasa inggeris dan kemudiannya terkontang kanting dan kita telah 'menggelapkan' dan 'menggadai' masa depan mereka..

hanya yang benar2 layak dan mampu sahaja dengan asas yang kuat sahaja yang dipilih kemudian barulah diserap ke dalam program bahasa inggeris seperti yang belajar di luar negara..

apakah negara2 maju seperti german, sepanyol, perancis, china, jepun, korea menggunakan bahasa inggeris??

jangan lah kita terlalu cepat melatah sedangkan kemajuan bukan diukur pada bahasa inggeris tapi diukur pada daya usaha bangsa itu sendiri..

source: http://www.pemikirgenerasix.blogspot.com

note : For me, as a malay, being a student who don`t have strong English background, will have difficulties to deal with technical terms in English. It is English language syllabus who suppose to be re-shuffled. Because the way school teach us, is not very efficent since we only study to know english , not to speak english. This what happen in Malaysia

Ibn Faldan

OS X on PCs : good and bad

One of the things that make the Macs the (almost) perfect running machines there are is the fact that Apple keeps their hardware configuration under control. Thus, the Cupertino-based company is capable of always delivering a top notch experience to all of its users by carefully testing and optimizing OS X for the limited number of hardware configurations available for the Mac platform.

The question that every Mac user must have asked themselves at least once is “Should Apple make OS X available on other, custom hardware?” Should it allow the people that already run OS X on their PCs to buy the OS and legally install it on their computers? Should “Run OS X on Macs and PCs” be a part of the OS X description?

At the moment, I wouldn't put my money on the fact that Apple will even think about such a bold move, mainly because it is already doing quite well - check the increase rate of its market share. But, just in case it will ever think about such a move, let's see what the pros and cons would be.

The thing is that, in the pros department, there are very few aspects that Apple should count on. To be even more exact, there is only one good thing that would come out of such a scheme (and a pretty good one, if you ask me): OS X gaining a bigger chunk of market share, thus hitting its direct competitor, Windows, where it hurts the most.

The fact is that an increase in market share is hypothetical even after making OS X ready for any hardware configuration. But, what is the reason that would make OS X's market share increase in such a case?

Because it would most probably be adopted by the users already running OS X on their PCs, by the users that had enough bad experiences with the other OSes available on the market and would decide to try it for a change, and by the users that would have OS X installed by their friends or family as a “better alternative” to their current OS. And from what I know, there are quite a lot of PC users that match these three categories.

The good news for Apple in the case of a market share increase scenario is the fact that the company will also experience quite a boost in profit. This will, logically, lead the Cupertino-based company to release an even higher quality OS to be able to protect its profit and keep and/or expand its newly gained user base.

Now that I have covered the thing that a “born to be wild” Apple will do with OS X, let's go through those that point against such a bold move.

The first con would be the higher incidence of software-hardware conflicts that will automatically ruin the user experience that made OS X famous in the first place. The news of the software problems and the system crashes will quickly spread around and will make all the users think twice before buying OS X and installing it on their own PC.

There is only one problem with this: the users that already run OS X on PC hardware have reported no such experiences. A fact that made me think twice before thinking of this scenario as one of the cons. But, considering the huge hardware combination one could think of, the possibility is still there.

The second place in the cons department is taken by the increase of the security and/or malware risk once OS X starts gaining market share. This will automatically make it more interesting in the eyes of the people that would consider the OS X system a valuable addition to their collection of infected machines. Also, taking into consideration the fact that a bigger user base translates into a higher variety of software running on the OS, the number of security holes will also increase, a fact that can only mean a poorer experience for the OS users.

The third thing that stands against you legally installing OS X on your PC in the near future is the aspect that makes the Mac what it is and the very thing that recommended the previous two as viable components of the cons department: the user experience. In the event that Apple would release a PC compatible version of OS X, this is the thing that most people think that will go wrong: a quick quality decrease of the user experience.

There is a reason though that, as I have already stated above, makes me reconsider the lowering of the OS X user experience quality. 90% of the people running cracked versions of OS X on PCs report no software problems whatsoever due to the different hardware configurations.

Of course, the number of hardware configurations is quite limited by the fact that those cracked OS X versions only run on hardware components that Apple already uses in its Macs. Once the number of hardware configurations will increase, the need of hardware drivers will also rise, which can be the start of a huge stack of problems for the OS X on PC users.

As we all know, Apple is also famous for enjoying to create its own drivers for the hardware on which OS X runs; thus, the following question pops up – “Will Apple allow hardware manufacturers to deal with the driver development?”

Whether they will or not, from where I'm standing, there is only one possible outcome in such a situation: a bad one. Drivers created by manufacturers can lead to the software-hardware incompatibilities that we've already talked about and drivers developed by Apple would also lead to problems: shortages of drivers for certain hardware brands or even drivers with bugs if they are released on a hurry.

After giving it a quick spin and trying to see which the pros and cons for having OS X on PCs are, the fact is that I have already made my mind: Apple should be insane or highly courageous to pull such a stunt. But, to tell you the truth, I can only hope it will. Just to see if it got what it takes to beat Microsoft at its own game.

What do you think about running OS X on PCs? Are you one of the PC users that already run OS X and would like to buy it just to say thanks for a job well done? Do you consider releasing a PC-compatible OS X version a viable business move for Apple to make? Let everyone else know what you think about this subject in the comments.

WIndows 7 : microsoft saver from their stupid planning

PC gaming has almost always been tied to a generation of Microsoft's Windows operating system. Whether it was 95, 98 or the more recent XP or Vista, the Redmond giant was responsible for the main platform on which developers brought their video games.

Windows XP has been and still is the preferred platform for gamers around the world, due to its low requirements and high degree of compatibility with almost all the titles that appear on the PC. But ever since Microsoft

But what about you? Do you think that Windows 7 will bring a system that will be embraced by gamers such as yourselves? Will it make you change from XP or Vista to it? Leave us your opinion in the comment section below the article.
introduced Vista, by saying that it would be perfect for any activity, including gaming, players have been somewhat reticent to upgrade to the company's new OS either because a lot of titles weren't compatible, or the system took up too much of the PC's resources, or due to the fact that it was filled with a lot of bugs or glitches that rendered games unplayable.

But it seems that for gamers Windows 7 will be the best operating system, at least according to Microsoft's VP of the Interactive Entertainment Business for the EMEA region, Chris Lewis, who talked with GamesIndustry.biz about the future operating system. He went on to say that the resource hog that was Vista would be replaced with a much more robust and compatible OS, which would make the transcendence from XP to it almost seamless, while offering a lot of new features, including the hyped-up DirectX 11.

“Windows 7 will be great for games, undoubtedly,” he said. “It's all good news - it's even more robust, it's quicker relatively, and the early testing cycles are proving very promising overall. I think it'll be nothing but good news for PC gamers, but we'll have more to say on that later on this year. Ultimately we're a Windows and PC company at heart, and that's not going to change, and the development on both platforms will remain central and important. The business ebbs and flows, and there will be times when we do more on one platform than the other, but they do co-exist very nicely, and as a company we're in a pretty unique position that we have a strong legacy on PC.”

KDN macam budak sekolah : Petanda pimpinan yang kucar kacir

Warta penggunaan perkataan 'Allah' dibatal

KOTA KINABALU - Kementerian Dalam Negeri telah membatalkan warta kerajaan yang membenarkan penggunaan bersyarat perkataan 'Allah' dalam penerbitan agama Kristian, berkuat kuasa serta-merta.

Sambil mengakui bahawa ada kesilapan dalam menggubal warta itu yang menyebabkan kekeliruan berhubung isu itu, Menterinya, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar berkata, keputusan kerajaan untuk melarang penggunaan perkataan itu dalam penerbitan majalah Herald tetap berkuat kuasa sehingga mahkamah memutuskan sebaliknya. - Bernama

hei...tak tau la ape yang berlaku nih...

dari kosmo

Isu penggunaan nama ALLAH untuk Kristian: kesilapan besar KDN

Keputusan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) melonggarkan pendirian dalam larangan penggunaan nama “Allah” bagi penerbitan-penerbitan agama selain Islam, walaupun dengan syarat-syarat yang tertentu, telah mengecewakan ramai pihak. PKPIM, YADIM, Persatuan Peguam Syarie Malaysia dan juga Mufti Perak mengutuk keras akan tindakan KDN yang di lihat berlembut dalam soal agama lebih lebih lagi menjurus kepada serangan pemikiran terhadap akidah umat islam.

Terdapat juga perbezaan pendapat di kalangan ulama Islam di Malaysia. Dr. Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin contohnya. Ust MAZA berpendapat bahawa penggunaan perkataan Allah di dalam ayat ini dibenarkan untuk digunakan sebagai menunjukkan bahawa Allah adalah Pencipta Agung. Islam tidak memandang kepada luaran sahaja tetapi kepada isi dalaman atau "substance"nya. Jika mereka mempercayai bahawa Allah adalah pencipta sesuatu padahal menyamakan Allah dengan manusia lain, mennganggap bahawa Allah mempunyai anak dan keturunan, maka ia tidak memenuhi makna TAUHID Allah.

Jika kita membaca Al-Quran, kita dapati ia menceritakan golongan musyrikin yang menentang Nabi Muhammad s.a.w juga menyebut nama Allah dan al-Quran tidak membantah mereka, bahkan itu dijadikan landasan untuk memasukkan akidah Islam yang sebenar. Firman Allah: (maksudnya) “Dan Demi sesungguhnya! jika engkau (Wahai Muhammad) bertanya kepada mereka: “Siapakah yang menciptakan mereka?” sudah tentu mereka akan menjawab: “Allah!”. (jika demikian) maka bagaimana mereka rela dipesongkan? Dan (Dia lah Tuhan Yang mengetahui rayuan Nabi Muhammad) yang berkata: Wahai Tuhanku! Sesungguhnya mereka ini adalah satu kaum yang tidak mahu beriman!” (Surah al-Zukhruf ayat 87-88).
Beliau menegaskan konsep mempertahankan aqidah setiap umat islam di Malaysia adalah lebih penting daripada berdebat tentang boleh atau tidak kristian menggunakan perkataan "ALLAH".

Saya faham dan juga bersetuju dengan pendapat Dr. MAZA kerana tak kiralah nama ape yang orang kristian gunakan, jika aqidah umat islam di Malaysia sudah kukuh, maka peniruan orang kristian tidak berkesan sama sekali. Namun, ini akan berlaku jika pengukuhan aqidah umat islam benar benar berlaku di kalangan umat Islam di Malaysia. Ape yang kita lihat kini adalah suasana umat Islam yang ibarat buih yang hampir nak pecah. Dengan orang orang Islam di Malaysia yang semakin galak untuk meninggalkan segala suruhan agama dan perlaksanaan asas aturan agama Islam, begitu juga pihak pemerintah yang sibuk mengekalkan dan merebut kuasa antara satu sama lain , disamping sibuk mengumpul harta sebelum jatuh....kita boleh kaji aspek pengukuhan aqidah di kalangan umat Islam di Malaysia sebenarnya semakin sepi....

Sementelahan dengan itu, kita akan lihat kebingungan dari sudut akidah akan menjadi semakin ketara dengan Konsep "ALLAH" juga di pakai oleh orang Kristian. Jika kita lihat juga, jumlah keluarga yang menghantar anak anak kecil mereka ke Tadika Kelolaan bukan orang Islam/melayu semakin meningkat dan ini juga akan memburukkan aqidah orang Islam.
Itulah yang di khuatiri oleh sebahagian besar ulama di Malaysia. Dari segi bahasa sebenarnya yang menjadi isu besar dalam penggunaan nama ALLAH di kalangan orang Kristian.

Bagi saya, umat Islam di negara ini masih belum cukup kuat untuk membina perisai aqidah dalam konsep tuhan berlandaskan sebenar benar pengertian sehinggalah kita tidak terlalu ta`sub dengan mendahulukan perisai bangsa dan bahasa seperti mana yang berlaku sekarang ini.

Ibn Faldan