Run you linux XDE on the Android

It's official you can run X-Windows and your choice of GUI (Gnome, KDE, IceWM etc on an Android device!

LXDE is an energy saving and extremely fast and performing desktop solution. It works well with computers on the low end of the performance spectrum such as new generation netbooks and other small mobile computers

While IceWM, performance-wise runs the fastest - LXDE is also pretty good, and just plain 'prettier! 

Prerequistes; Debian Shell instructions here:

Also if your 'debian.img' file is a little small you may want to resize it - instructions here:

You need three basic packages: 

From the Android OS:
Download VNCviewer for Android from our repo here:

or from google here:

Now copy the .apk file to your sdcard and then run 'Apps installer' from the Market to install that.

From the terminal, boot your debian shell and then type:

apt-get install tightvncserver (return)

apt-get install lxde (return) 

or if you want a really basic desktop use IceWM:

apt-get install icewm (return)

Now you need to setup your vncserver

at the prompt type:

export USER=root
vncserver (return)

This will create an x-windows session and a startup file
in the /root/.vnc/ directory. Vncserver will also ask you to set up two passwrds. You will need the first password to log in, but just say no to the second password.
The next thing to do is to kill the session you just started: vncserver -kill :1

This is so you can edit the startup file to set it up correctly.

go to /root/.vnc


nano xstartup

comment out the line for xsession:


add these two lines:

icewm &

or if you decided to go for IceWM instead:

icewm &

save the file (trackball then 'o', and exit nano (trackball then 'x'.

Then restart an x windows session by vncserver ( you should kill it after you are done with x-windows later on).

This next bit does some housekeeping and sets up the VNC service each time you boot your debian shell - saves messing about everytime!

Now back inside your debian prompt you need to edit your /root/.bashrc file

cd /root
nano .bashrc

Add the following near the top of the file:

export USER=root
cd /
rm -r -f tmp
mkdir tmp
cd /
vncserver -geometry 480x320 

(this sets your resolution - you can change this if you will be connecting via your computer).

save the file (trackball then 'o', and exit nano (trackball then 'x'.

Type 'exit' to exit the Debian shell. 

reboot the phone.

Once rebooted go into Terminal and boot yor Debian shell.

Press the HOME button to revert back to the Android OS while leaving your Debian shell running.

Open androidVNC from your android programs menu.

Connect to 'localhost' port '5901' and enter your password.

Viola, you now have XWindows running on your phone. Obviously you can connect to your phone's new desktop GUI with a VNC viewer from your computer too jsut enter it's ip address instead of localhost.

To make the cursor work with your finger:

Press the MENU button on your device and select 1:1 then just press the trackball ONCE!

Now whenever you want a proper x-windows Desktop GUI right there on your phone, just run the debian shell with 'bootdeb' and it sets up your vncserver. Then just press home to leave it running and get back to your android menu, where you can choose to VNC directly onto it.

Cool eh?

Canada asks for more about Chrysler turnaround

The Canadian government requires more details about how Chrysler would turn around its Canadian operations if Ottawa is to help bail out the company, Industry Minister Tony Clement said Sunday.

"If we're talking about Canadian taxpayer dollars, we do want to have some specifics about what exactly is going to be going on in Canada," Clement told broadcaster CTV's Question Period.

Chrysler was expected to submit a restructuring plan for its Canadian operations by a Friday deadline, but instead offered the same proposal previously handed to US officials, with a new cover letter.

Officials explained the company is focused on an "integrated" North America-wide restructuring and indicated to the government that it did not want to create a separate plan for its Canadian operations.

Chrysler has since submitted more documents to the government over the weekend, but Clement told CTV he still must know what product lines the company has in mind for its Ontario plants, among other details.

Chrysler is in negotiations with Ottawa for one billion dollars (800 million US) in aid, according to officials.

On Tuesday, Chrysler LLC said it needed another five billion dollars US in loans from Washington in order to survive a dramatic collapse in global auto sales.

how to increase your internet speed

A lot of my friends (including myself) keep complaining about their slow internet connection and slow downloading P2P session .  It seems that Streamyx has throttled the bandwidth among the users. It may be because of heavy load of P2P connection by other users. As far as I know, every user should get their right for their port. Tmnet should not take this reason as their main point in reducing the speed.
There are 3 tricks in order to get internet much more faster than before:
  1. The basic think you need to do is tweak your internet connection is by optimizing the TCP/IP setting. What is TCP/IP? Well, basically it is the suite of communication protocols used to connect host on the internet. If your TCP/IP settings are configured properly, you can achieve good speed with your broadband connection.
  2. The second step is to optimize your internet browser. We will make the browser suit the type of your internet connection whether you use 512Kbps package or the 1 Mbps package. Both Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer can be optimized using this tweak.
  3. The third step is to get avoid from traffic-shaping by applying some tweak for your favourite torrent client. This is very useful for P2P fan. for further info, the article on avoid traffic shaping might help you to make it happen

Well, we have just finished doing some tricks to optimize our internet connection using streamyx. Does your connection improve? If yes, then congratulation. If not, maybe we will have to wait for a few days hoping it will become stable later.

Avoid traffic-shaping on BitTorent

Today there most scary internet feature for ISP is P2P activities, They eat huge off bandwidth for free and will cause ISP to provide bigger trunk than what they suppose to. But if we pay attention of the data flow through P2P, ISP has slow down the data that normally congest their trunk. Most of the ISP actively engage with traffic shaping. Bandwidth throttling, or the nicer words, bandwidth management to keep amount of bandwidth consumed by high traffic applications to minimum.

Well how to ovecome this at user end point?

Well, you can try encrypting your traffic, changing port number, changing the way protocol behaves, reducing the amount of one way traffic, or hiding your traffic with your encrypted traffic. 

  1. To encrypt your traffic, RC4 encryption offered by many popular bitTorrent client will obfuscate not only the header but the entire stream, which will give ISP difficulty to detect that your are using BitTorent.
  2. Secondly is to change to port number. The default port for BitTorrent transfer is 6881. As a reslut of ISP interference, all client allow us to change the port number for BitTorrent transfer. Whenever we change our port, we also need to adjust our router to allow incoming connection. you can get the entire guideline from
  3. To change the way the BitTorrent protocol behave, we can use a "lazy bitfield" feature to hide seeder from ISP.
  4. In order to reduce one-way transfer, client need to be set to have same or less ratio betwwen download and upload activities.
Well, all the above are just an alternative that may or may not work onto your internet connection. as we learn how to trick, the ISP also learn fast how to tackle our tricks. So study hard and study smart just make sure we are few step header than our ISP.

Syuraih : contoh bagi hakim dan pemerintah di Malaysia

Dalam satu peristiwa sejarah islam: 

Amirul Mukminin tidak berhak memulangkan kuda dalam keadaan tempang ! Tuan mengambilnya dalam keadaan baik, maka seharusnya dikembalikan dalam keadaan baik pula ! Demikianlah dengan jelas dan penuh keyakinan seorang tabi’iy yang mulia membuat keputusan dalam perselisihan melibatkan khalifah Islam yang berpengaruh Umar al-Khattab r.a dengan seorang awam.Kes ini terjadi apabila kuda yang dibeli oleh khalifah menjadi tempang setelah digunakan.Tabi’iy yang dimaksudkan adalah seorang lelaki cerdik berakhlak mulia dari keturunan Yaman, dari kabilah al-Kindah, Syuraih bin al-Haris.Beliau yang tidak pernah dikenali sebelum itu di kalangan penduduk Madinah yang terdiri dari kalangan sahabat dan tabi’in yang hebat kini membuat keputusan yang membingungkan khalifah.Meskipun beliau tidak berkesempatan bertemu dnegan Nabi s.a.w namun keikhlasannya memeluk Islam disertakan dengan pengalamannya berada di zaman jahiliyyah sebelumnya menjadikan beliau seorang yang sangat memahami selok belok dan asam garam kehidupan.

Kebijaksanaannya mengendalikan kes yang rumit itu telah menjadikannya masyhur, sehinggalah Umar r.a melantiknya menjadi hakim Negara Kufah yang merupakan salah satu wilayah besar Negara Islam yang beribunegarakan Madinah.Ternyata pemilihan Umar r.a itu merupakan firasat yang tepat apabila semua khalifah yang datang selepasnya hingga ke zaman permulaan Bani Umayyah, Mu’awiyah r.a terus mengekalkan Syuraih r.a sebagai hakim tertinggi mahkamah.Beliau diamanahkan jawatan itu selama lebih kurang enam puluh tahun, memutuskan hukuman secara adil , tidak berat sebelah dan saksama.Tidak kurang pula keputusan yang dibuat itu menyebelahi orang awam, sekalipun pedakwanya adalah orang bangsawan yang mempunyai kedudukan mulia.Antara kes yang turut mendapat perhatian dunia hingga ke hari ini adalah dakwaan khalifah Islam ke empat, Ali bin Abi Talib r.a terhadap seorang yahudi yang didakwa mengambil baju besinya yang keciciran darinya.Apabila kes itu diadili, Syuraih dengan emah lembutnya telah mengatakan : Wahai Amirul Mukminin ! saya meyakini bahawa Amirul Mukminin tidak akan berbohong.Namun kehakiman Islam menetapkan setiap pendakwa agar mengemukakan dua orang saksi.Ali r.a menyahut ya , bersama saya Qanbar , pembantu saya dan al-Hasan , putera saya sebagai saksi.Jawab Syuraih, maaf Amirul Mukminin, Islam tidak mebenarkan anak sebagai saksi ! Khalifah islam itu hanya mampu bertasbih dengan Subhanallah mendengar jawapan ringkas tetapi bermakna itu.Bukankah semua orang memaklumi bahawa al-Hasan dan a-Husin r.a telah dinobatkan sebagai ketua pemuda ahli syurga di akhirat kelak..Apakah orang berilmu seperti Syuraih tidak mengetahui hakikat ini atau dia mempunyai kepentingan tertentu? Tidak, sama sekali tidak kerana hukum yang telah ditetapkan Allah dan NabiNya adalah suatu yang tidak boleh diubah sesuka hati.Walaupun ketinggian kedudukan mereka di sisi Allah disepakati oleh semua umat Islam tetapi perjalanan pentadbiran di dunia mestilah berdiri di atas kaedah-kaedah yang digariskan.Persaksian dalam Islam tidak boleh disokong oleh kaum keluarga, bagi mengelakkan conflict of interest.

Ali bin Abi Talib r.a yang menjawat jawatan tertinggi dalam Negara akur dengan keputusan hakim mahkamah kerana bagi beliau keputusan hakim perlu dihormati bukan untuk dipertikaikan.Di luar jangkauan para pemerhati, yahudi yang didakwa tadi akhirnya telah mendedahkan bahawa baju besi itu sememangnya milik Ali yang ditemuinya tercicir.Beliau akhirnya mengisytiharkan keislamannya di hadapan khalayak selepas melalui pengalaman peribadi yang membenarkan keadilan Islam bahawa tiada siapa yang akan teraniya di bawah naungan Islam.

Note : Adakah perkara ini akan berlaku di mana2 negara Islam? Kemungkinan itu adalah 0.01% yang mana hakim yang mewakili peratusan itupun tak akan berakhir dengan apa yang dialami oleh syuraih. mudahan akan ada hakim yang boleh bertindak seperti syuraish di Malaysia.

A must! Protect your mobile - anywhere, anytime , anymood

Many endpoint security solutions protect laptops and remote client tools only when they are connected to the network, leaving these devices open to malicious attacks and data interception. Implementing a comprehensive approach to endpoint security can mitigate the risks of theft, malware, and other vulnerabilities to increase data protection and help your company avoid the consequences of information loss and leakage.

Same goes to stealing information while you are accessing your personal information from public hotspots what so called " Evil Twin" attacks. In this scenario a hotspot user connects to the "Evil Twin" wireless access point, believing it to be a legitimate commercial hotspot. Once connected the hacker impersonates a legitimate hotspot, and records all information entered into the web page, which can include your passwords, emails or worse credit card information.

This concept is very similar to the email "phishing" scams, where a message is sent to users tricking them to enter confidential information, such as bank account information or other sensitive username and password combinations. The process of tricking someone to voluntarily provide confidential information has been used for years in a variety of forms; more generally it is known as "social engineering".

Every wireless device that is Wi-Fi enabled actually makes the hacker's job even easier. Every device continues to "probe" for access points it has been connected to in the past. If the Wireless Connection manager in Windows XP sees a legitimate SSID it will automatically re-connect to that access point. All the hacker has to do is give his soft AP a default SSID, such as "linksys", "boingo", "home" or "public" and the laptop will automatically establish a wireless connection without any required user action.

How to avoid?

1. Check you WIFI setting and choose in in your Windows Wireless Connection Manager that the wireless card can only use "infrastructure mode" (instead of "any"), which will disable the ad-hoc mode. Ad-hoc mode allows other laptops to directly connect to yours. While this may seem convenient it presents a significant security risk to your computer.

2. Use VPN

3. Update Windows update SP2

4. Get personal Firewall

Tengku Razaleigh`s response on the Royal constitution

His speech in 1993.

Part One

Part Two

source :

Aqidah or Politics

Last night when I accidently watch TV1 program (very rare for me to wacth truly government TV), they were having a forum on the issue regarding the use of words "ALLAH" in Herald Catholic weekly news in Bahasa Melayu. The panelist come from various background. Hj Ayub Abd Rahman Abdullah, former Catholic priest and become one of the heavyweight Islamic activist, Ir Dr. Fuad Teoh, President of Malaysian Chinese Muslim Associates (Macma) and Dr. kamaruddin, A malay scholar.

The session is balanced with the views come from different ethnic but with the same religion and the issue has been brought up with great clarification from the panelist. All three panelist aggreed that tha name of "ALLAH" is not just a name, but it beyond what human could think. More over, looking at the muslim scenario in Malaysia specifically, confussion might happen when other religion tend to use the name of the God as "ALLAH" and subsequently it will affect their believe (since their believe/aqidah in islam also weak). Dr. Kamaruddin also highlighted about the dangerous of plurarisme which have been promoted by non-muslim and some of the "liberal" muslim community as well. when youngers think no different between Islam and other religion, then the could not think about the reality in truly Islam in their live and easily committed to apostacy. This is actually the main agenda of other religions.

Supprisingly, when I turned my TV channel to TV9, hah! they got another forum/debat also at the same time. With all the panelist are malay, which is should be muslim if we consider the Malaysian constitution, but they really focusing on the pure politics rather than the challenges have been put into Islam today (audiance for sure has been spiltted by their nonsense talking). They just continuing talk about the "beautiful" of Malaysian political scenario. What happen in Perak, disloyalty to Sultan, case of elizabeth Wong (which is very wrong since the case still under police investigation), Selangor and their cow.

From there, we can conclude that in the future, Islam in Malaysia will be heavyly supported by Muslim but not Malay (which is truly a good muslim ), while other malay-muslim still keep talking about politics and keeping their fat up.

Ibn Faldan

Elizabeth Wong : Naked or has been naked?

Since Pakatan Rakyat took over leadership in some of the Malaysian states, their their representative never miss from any kind of, I would say as challenge. From Penang Jobs issues, Perak Land issues, Selangor and their cows, Nizar and his fight with BN and Sultan of Perak, and the latest one is about the "immoralized" picture from ADUM bukit Lanjan, Elizabeth Wong.

It is believe that the picture was taken during her sleeping with have naked and during her playing love with her ex-boyfriend. Who took the picture? Nobody knows. It is scattered widely through MMS and web. Emm, this is just weird. If Chua Soi Lek still being accepted by his followers (proven when he is elected as deputy president of MCA) and no comment from other component, Why this one would be the issue. I did not say that her action was right. It is for sure immoralized for any unmarried intercourse activities (well, the half-naked picture for her sleeping is her private and those who took picture were truly guilty, supposed to be) for non-Muslim and a big sin for Muslim, but the double standard action from some of the parties / leaders shows a very unbalanced situation in Malaysian politics.

For me, it is a good advice for her to bring down her political position and lets others take the job since her "impurity" has already revealed. As for those who like to take advantage from others weakness, just remember! yours also will be revealed sooner or later.....

Gelora Politik Perak : Dari Cahaya Menuju Kegelapan

Tengok la sendiri.....berdoalah supaya perak kembali kepada cahaya

Letter to TM: 3S - sucks, stupid and super slumpy slow

I just moved to my new house some where at Taman Melawati. As usual I need to also transfer my TM number and streamyx line. Request for phone line transfer charge me RM 50 and I only got the phone line a week after I keep calling the contractor to make it quick. Then comet a activate streamyx. According to the ladies at the TM point Jalan titiwangsa, After I have done the phone line, I just call sreamyx and ask them to activate the internet line.

I call 100 and ask for streamyx activation. After all long stupid secured confirmation (though I am working in network & security ), they said it will take up to 1 week to "transfer the line". Huh! 1 week. What the slumpy service yet I still need to pay for nothing this month. After a week , I never get connected and I call 100 again asking what the hell happen. And you know what , dengan selambanya, the guy (name Haslan) said that my new number still not in the system. WHAT? I am already using this stupid number for a week and he just said not in the system. What a crap. He claimed that TM point never put into the system. Huh really crap...Then I sound dia like sardin....

TM KPI (out of 10) : 0.01

Feedback to stupid TM:

Dear Sir,

Frankly speaking TM service is sucks. I just recently moved to my new house and need transfer my TM number and streamyx (request on 23rd jan, 2009). I got my TM number a week after I call so many times the stupid contractor to just install the stupid TM line (line activated on 5th feb 2009).I call streamyx (follow instruction given by person at tm point) to activate the streamyx and they said it will take up to one week to up the line. on 13th February 2009 the streamyx still not up and I call 100 again. The guy (name Haslan) mentioned my new number still not being registered for streamyx he asked my to go to tm point. I do feel disappointed with this incident and if I am the one who give KPI to TM family, I shall give them the lowest rate since they all do their job inefficiently and ineffectively.
I do hope you all can solve this problem ASAP.

Pemimpin mulia di hina : perilaku politik mematikan jiwa

Pada sekitar jam 9.40 pagi tadi (6 february) YAB Menteri Besar Perak, Ir. Muhammad Nizar Jamaluddin dihalau keluar dari pejabatnya oleh seorang pegawai atasan yang sedang mengusai pejabat Kerajaan Negeri di sini. Dengan suara yang kuat, "Keluar" beberapa kali Ir. Nizar di perlakukan dengan cara yang tidak sopan sekali.

Kejadian itu berlaku apabila YAB Menteri Besar yang masih sah itu pergi ke Pejabatnya seperti biasa pagi ini. Beliau bersama dengan pembantu dan diiringi oleh unit amal .

Keadaan ini mengambarkan betapa seorang yang selama ini cukup bermasalah kepada Kerajaan Negeri Perak Pakatan Rakyat menunjukkan taringnya. Kelmarin beliaulah yang mengarahkan supaya semua bilik Exco dikosongkan dan kenderaan rasmi dikembalikan dengan secepat mungkin.

Inilah gambaran kudeta yang semakin bercelaru sehingga sesuatu yang tidak berperi kemanusia dilakukan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin yang banyak berjasa kepada rakyat Perak selama 10 bulan yang lepas.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan : The Muslim Voice

The World shocked!. Thats probably the most leaders expression even those from muslim country when Erdogan bravely shows his straight condemnation towards Zionist cruelity. And the most interesting at that time, Simon Peres, the President of Israel, was sitting beside him while he was showing his finger towards the regime president.

Yes! this is what we want from our muslim leader. Not like stupid UAE, Kuwait, Jordan, Who just sit and see and then fulfill their fat desire. Not like Egypt`s Hosni Mubarak who really consitently support America and Israel indirectly towards Gaza Bombing activities in order to reduce Hamas threat towards his political activities.

Erdogan did not stop until his words. He was later step out proudly in front of Simon while the event still going on to show his greatest protest. He came back to his country with more tha 5000 people waiting to congratulate him.

budaya lompat : menaikkan rating politik malaysia

DS Nizar : tenang di dalam ribut

petikan dari

1. Sandiwara di Perak masih menggelikan hati. Ada lompat keluar kandang, ada lompat masuk kandang.

2. Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan sudah bertitah.

3. Tetapi Menteri Besar Pakatan tidak hendak berhenti jadi MB. Pejabatnya sudah dikosongkan oleh Polis.

4. Apakah Polis akan usung MB dan campak dia keluar? Tentu tidak kerana tiada peruntukan undang-undang yang mengizinkannya.

5. Pakatan boleh adakan Kerajaan minoriti. Demokrasi mengizinkan.

6. Tetapi kerajaan minoriti lemah. Dia boleh ditumbang dengan undi tidak percaya oleh majoriti ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, kalau Dewan bersidang. Mungkin Pakatan tak mahu ada persidangan.

7. Siapakah yang berhak mengadakan persidangan? Bolehkah puak majoriti paksa Kerajaan minoriti adakan persidangan khas untuk undi tak percaya?

8. Jika tidak dapat paksa Kerajaan minoriti mengadakan persidangan mereka boleh ambil bermacam-macam tindakan untuk merosakkan negeri Perak. Apakah yang boleh dibuat kepada kerajaan minoriti jika ia kekalkan dirinya dan terus merosakkan negeri? Keadaan seperti ini masih kelabu; tak ada peruntukan undang-undang setakat yang saya tahu.

9. Mungkin pegawai tidak akan patuh kepada kerajaan minoriti ini. Tetapi pegawai profesional perlu akur akan perintah Kerajaan yang halal.