LXDE is an energy saving and extremely fast and performing desktop solution. It works well with computers on the low end of the performance spectrum such as new generation netbooks and other small mobile computers
While IceWM, performance-wise runs the fastest - LXDE is also pretty good, and just plain 'prettier!
Prerequistes; Debian Shell instructions here:http://www.androidfanatic.com/cms/community-forums.html?func=view&catid=9&id=251
Also if your 'debian.img' file is a little small you may want to resize it - instructions here:
You need three basic packages:
From the Android OS:
Download VNCviewer for Android from our repo here:
or from google here:
Now copy the .apk file to your sdcard and then run 'Apps installer' from the Market to install that.
From the terminal, boot your debian shell and then type:
apt-get install tightvncserver (return)
apt-get install lxde (return)
or if you want a really basic desktop use IceWM:
apt-get install icewm (return)
Now you need to setup your vncserver
at the prompt type:
export USER=root (return)
vncserver (return)
This will create an x-windows session and a startup file
in the /root/.vnc/ directory. Vncserver will also ask you to set up two passwrds. You will need the first password to log in, but just say no to the second password.
The next thing to do is to kill the session you just started: vncserver -kill :1
This is so you can edit the startup file to set it up correctly.
go to /root/.vnc
nano xstartup
comment out the line for xsession:
add these two lines:
icewm &
or if you decided to go for IceWM instead:
icewm &
save the file (trackball then 'o', and exit nano (trackball then 'x'.
Then restart an x windows session by vncserver ( you should kill it after you are done with x-windows later on).
This next bit does some housekeeping and sets up the VNC service each time you boot your debian shell - saves messing about everytime!
Now back inside your debian prompt you need to edit your /root/.bashrc file
cd /root
nano .bashrc
Add the following near the top of the file:
export USER=root
cd /
rm -r -f tmp
mkdir tmp
cd /
vncserver -geometry 480x320
(this sets your resolution - you can change this if you will be connecting via your computer).
save the file (trackball then 'o', and exit nano (trackball then 'x'.
Type 'exit' to exit the Debian shell.
reboot the phone.
Once rebooted go into Terminal and boot yor Debian shell.
Press the HOME button to revert back to the Android OS while leaving your Debian shell running.
Open androidVNC from your android programs menu.
Connect to 'localhost' port '5901' and enter your password.
Viola, you now have XWindows running on your phone. Obviously you can connect to your phone's new desktop GUI with a VNC viewer from your computer too jsut enter it's ip address instead of localhost.
To make the cursor work with your finger:
Press the MENU button on your device and select 1:1 then just press the trackball ONCE!
Now whenever you want a proper x-windows Desktop GUI right there on your phone, just run the debian shell with 'bootdeb' and it sets up your vncserver. Then just press home to leave it running and get back to your android menu, where you can choose to VNC directly onto it.
Cool eh?
Also if your 'debian.img' file is a little small you may want to resize it - instructions here:
You need three basic packages:
From the Android OS:
Download VNCviewer for Android from our repo here:
or from google here:
Now copy the .apk file to your sdcard and then run 'Apps installer' from the Market to install that.
From the terminal, boot your debian shell and then type:
apt-get install tightvncserver (return)
apt-get install lxde (return)
or if you want a really basic desktop use IceWM:
apt-get install icewm (return)
Now you need to setup your vncserver
at the prompt type:
export USER=root (return)
vncserver (return)
This will create an x-windows session and a startup file
in the /root/.vnc/ directory. Vncserver will also ask you to set up two passwrds. You will need the first password to log in, but just say no to the second password.
The next thing to do is to kill the session you just started: vncserver -kill :1
This is so you can edit the startup file to set it up correctly.
go to /root/.vnc
nano xstartup
comment out the line for xsession:
add these two lines:
icewm &
or if you decided to go for IceWM instead:
icewm &
save the file (trackball then 'o', and exit nano (trackball then 'x'.
Then restart an x windows session by vncserver ( you should kill it after you are done with x-windows later on).
This next bit does some housekeeping and sets up the VNC service each time you boot your debian shell - saves messing about everytime!
Now back inside your debian prompt you need to edit your /root/.bashrc file
cd /root
nano .bashrc
Add the following near the top of the file:
export USER=root
cd /
rm -r -f tmp
mkdir tmp
cd /
vncserver -geometry 480x320
(this sets your resolution - you can change this if you will be connecting via your computer).
save the file (trackball then 'o', and exit nano (trackball then 'x'.
Type 'exit' to exit the Debian shell.
reboot the phone.
Once rebooted go into Terminal and boot yor Debian shell.
Press the HOME button to revert back to the Android OS while leaving your Debian shell running.
Open androidVNC from your android programs menu.
Connect to 'localhost' port '5901' and enter your password.
Viola, you now have XWindows running on your phone. Obviously you can connect to your phone's new desktop GUI with a VNC viewer from your computer too jsut enter it's ip address instead of localhost.
To make the cursor work with your finger:
Press the MENU button on your device and select 1:1 then just press the trackball ONCE!
Now whenever you want a proper x-windows Desktop GUI right there on your phone, just run the debian shell with 'bootdeb' and it sets up your vncserver. Then just press home to leave it running and get back to your android menu, where you can choose to VNC directly onto it.
Cool eh?
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